
Showing posts from September, 2013

Umbraco Razor test to see if on current page

if(@node.Url == @Model.Url) { <li> <a href="@node.Url"><span style="text-decoration:underline">@node.Name</span></a>                                       </li> } else { <li> <a href="@node.Url">@node.Name</a>                                       </li> }

Umbraco Razor Add Line Breaks to Textbox multiple

@if (@Model.address != "") { var output = (umbraco.library.ReplaceLineBreaks(@Model.address)); <p>@Html.Raw(@output)</p> }

Umbraco 4 Backend not showing CSS, Javascript or Sections after moving to Local Host

The issue below can be resolved by: 1) Rename the Folders: App_Browser and App_Data to something like, App_Browser_old and App_Data_old 2) Log in to your Umbraco Backend If you receive errors like:  "Values cannot be returned until Resolution is frozen" , Press the refresh button. If you then get the message: The website is restarting Please wait for 10s while we prepare to serve the page you have requested... Go for a cup of tea and come back. Umbraco 4 Backend Still not working?  In IIS --> Application Pools --> Change the Managed Pipeline to Classic instead of Integrated for the site

Umbraco Razor - List Subpages from Specific Node - byNodeId - Liist Lates News - Get Node By Id

@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext @using umbraco.NodeFactory @* Ensure that the Current Page has children, where the property umbracoNaviHide is not True *@ @if (Model.NodeById(1850).Children.Any()) { <div class="sideBarWidget"> <h2><a style="color:#ffffff" href="@Model.NodeById(1850).Url" title="News">Scottish Medical Training<br />Latest News</a></h2>     <ul>                   @* For each child page under the root node, where the property umbracoNaviHide is not True *@          @foreach (var childPage in Model.NodeById(1850).Children.OrderBy("newsArticleDate descending").Take(4))        {             <li>                <a href="@childPage.Url">@childPage.newsArticleTitle</a>  -  @childPage.newsArticleD...