Formating Date, Using updatedDate in XSLT

1) This code shows you and Example of Formating the Date in XSLT

<p><xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime(@updateDate, 'MMMM d, yyyy')"/>

(Formating Options):

MMMM = Full month name spelled out ('August')
MMM = Abbreviated month name ('Aug')
MM = 2 digit month ('08')
%M = 1 or 2 digit month ('8')

dddd = Full day of week ('Thursday')
ddd = Abbreviated day of the week ('Thu')
dd = 2 digit day ('06')
d = 1 or 2 digit day ('6')

y or yy = 2 digit year ('99')
yyyy = 4 digit year ('1999')

h = 1 or 2 digit hour ('9')
hh = 2 digit hour ('09')
H = 24 hour ('21')

m = 1 or 2 digit minute ('3')
mm = 2 digit minute('03')

tt = AM/PM

RFC-1123 date-time
r = the date-time following the RFC-1123 pattern
For example: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 13:00:00 GMT


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