Umbraco: Enable Blockquotes in Tinymc Richtext Editor

Here is how to enable Blockquotes in Umbraco Tynymce Rich Text Editor:

1) In the folder "config" there is a file called "tinyMceConfig.config".

Add the following lines in the <command> section:

<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="false" frontendCommand="blockquote">blockquote</tinyMceCommand>

Note: the line highlighted  points to an image that the user will see.  In my install this was a stop sign!  You may want to overwrite the file with something more appropriate (such as a quote).

2) In Umbraco, goto --> Developer --> Data Types --> RichtextEditor and tick the tick box for the Blockquotes.

The end user should now have blockquote functionality in there richtext editor.


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