
Showing posts from September, 2014

Read in a CSV file using C# Razor in Umbraco and Display the details:

@{ try { var dataFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Contact-List.csv"); Array csvData = File.ReadAllLines(dataFile); int dataStartsRow = 5; int thisRow = 0; <h2>Reading File Starting at 5th Row, because that is where the data Starts</h2> foreach (string dataLine in csvData) { thisRow = thisRow  +1; int columnInSpreadsheet = 0; foreach (string dataItem in dataLine.Split(',')) { if (thisRow >= dataStartsRow) { @dataItem <br /> } } } } catch { <h2>Error:  Check to see if the file Contact-List.csv exists and is not open.</h2> } }

Umbraco Razor. Read Contents of A CSV File and Create nodes

The Script below reads the contents of a CSV Spreasheet in Razor, in Umbraco. It's pretty specific for something I was working on, but there are bits of code that can be reused: Loading a CSV file in Razor, Reading the Contents of a CSV file in Razor, Creating Nodes in Umbraco from a CSV file in Razor, Deleting Nodes using Razor. @inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext @using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web   <!-- This Script Reads from a CSV file in the Data App Folder -->   <!-- It then finds Dates in the File and Creates New Event Nodes with the Date as part of the name-->   <!-- There are 3 Types of Events, so it selects the type of event which is decided on by the column it is in-->   <!-- See the CSV for examples-->    <!-- The ETSR Mettings comes from a file "ETSRMeeting.csv" that should be stored in the App_Data folder.     The file is read in and used in the Events Calander. -->  ...

Umbraco Razor: Check to see Whether the Date Field is Filled in and Only Display time if the Time is filled in.

Umbraco Razor: Check to see Whether the Date Field is Filled in and Only Display time if the Time is filled in.    and Formating the Time in Umbraco using Razor <p>Event Date: @Model.eventDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy")</p> <!-- If the start time is filled in then write it out --> @if(@Model.eventDate.ToString("H:mm") != "0:00") { <p>Start Time: @Model.eventDate.ToString("H:mm")</p> } <!-- If the End date is filled in write it out --> @if (Model.endDate.ToString() != "") { <p>End Date: @Model.endDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy")</p> } <!-- If the end time is filled in then write it out --> @if(@Model.endDate.ToString("H:mm") != "0:00" && Model.endDate.ToString() != "") { <p>End Time: @Model.endDate.ToString("H:mm")</p> }