Umbraco 7 HTML Site Map Partial View

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
@{ var home = CurrentPage.Site(); }

@if (home.Children.Any())
    @* Get the first page in the children *@
    var naviLevel = home.Children.First().Level;
    var listChildPages = "false";

    @* Add in level for a CSS hook *@
    <ul style="margin-top:0px;paddin:0px;font-size:16px;">        
        @* For each child page under the home node *@
        <li><a href="/" title="@CurrentPage._siteTitle">Home</a></li>
        @foreach (var childPage in home.Children.Where("Visible"))
            if (childPage.Children.Any() && listChildPages =="true"  && != 1110)
                <li style="margin-bottom:5px;">
                            <a href="@childPage.Url" title="@childPage.Name">@childPage.navigationName</a>
                        else {
                            <a href="@childPage.Url" title="@childPage.Name">@childPage.Name</a>
                if( != 1110)
                <li style="margin-bottom:5px;">
                          <a href="@childPage.Url" title="@childPage.Name">@childPage.navigationName</a>


@helper childPages(dynamic pages)
    @* Ensure that we have a collection of pages *@
    if (pages.Any())
        @* Get the first page in pages and get the level *@
        var naviLevel = pages.First().Level;
        @* Add in level for a CSS hook *@
        <ul style="margin:0px;padding:0px;padding-left:20px;">
            @foreach (var page in pages)
                <li style="margin-bottom:5px;">
                            <a href="@page.Url" title="@page.Name">@page.navigationName</a>
                        <a href="@page.Url" title="@page.Name">@page.Name</a>
                    @* if the current page has any children *@
                    @if (page.Children.Any())
                        @* Call our helper to display the children *@

For more Umbraco work, please visit my website: Mark Development Web Designer East Kilbride, Glasgow for Umbraco.


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